Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Have you found your flower?

This movie would never catch my attention to watch it.

However, as if the greater wisdom has planned for it, I watched it.

And I liked it a lot - perfect timing too after the Technology Behind Life was just born and I had a lot to contemplate about life.

Even the name of the movie is so divinely picked.

The movie is about life stories of 6 women.

Very ordinary lives, very ordinary stories.

No bullets, no blood, no extraordinary sex scenes (I guess they all had children, so they must had sex inside their bedroom - the typical normal kind).

In short, this is the kind of life you and I have (well, I assume you are not someone like James Bond or Forrest Gump).

And just because I watched it after I conducted the conundrum exercise in my workshop, I got to see the beauty of this movie.

And it is exactly the beauty of our life - ordinary but magnificant every single moment.

The only question is: are we aware of such magnificence here and now.

Until next time, live your divine miracle!

Dr OIC - Creator of Technology Behind Life
Technology for what matters in life.
Will this be what you look like when you have found your flower?

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