Sunday, December 26, 2010

The absurdity of our habits of being busy

Do you have a habit of keeping yourself busy?

I had, now looking back, it looks really absurd.

It looks like this:

From Jan to mid-Dec, busy at work.

Each day I was busy telling people "I have no time",
or a variation of that.

Each night I wished I had time to do that something,
something like "read that book", "do that exercise",
or "invest time with that someone".

Then it was holiday time.
Finally, I had time, right?
Except we are a creature of habits.
So I was busy traveling, getting from one
destination to another, one resort to another,
busy photo-taking and shopping.

As for the things I had always wanted to do?
"Oh, I was too busy because ..."
A bunch of bullshit - so much that it really
gave me good excuse to procrastinate for
another year, and another...

"Maybe I will try harder later"

Is this absurd?
Please share your view below (unless
you are too busy.  In that case, you can
try harder later".

Merry Christmas and happy new year!

Dr OIC - Creator of Technology Behind Life
Technology for getting what is important in life!

1 comment:

Allan Cheung said...

This holiday, I am at home, doing nothing other than investing time with my family - and we are not busy doing anything at all. It is really amazing that we got so much of what is important in life.

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